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Common research - ticket via Internet

< poprzedni | następny > 29.09.2011

Common research - ticket via Internet

Tickets for the concert, the game or a movie purchased on the Internet? 29 European countries checked together 414 websites offering tickets on the web. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection also participated in the research. Most undertakings removed the irregularities


The European Commission has inspected for the fourth time the undertakings offering their products on the Internet under the “EU Sweeps”. So far, the research covered, e.g. the shops offering electronics and household appliances.

The most recent research was initiated in 2010 by the 27 EU Member States, Norway and Iceland. Together they examined 414 sites offering tickets to cultural and sports events. The research referred to e.g. whether the site contains full information about the seller, the ticket price; the regulations were also examined for the presence of Prohibited Clauses. The most common problem identified in the 233 websites involved the missing, incomplete information about the ticket price, including free of tax or delivery charges. In the case of the regulations on 236 pages conditions unfavorable to the consumer were found, e.g. timely ticket delivery was not guaranteed; the undertaking did not provide a refund for the unused ticket. In the case of 298 websites, Member States questioned the incomplete or misleading information about the seller, who, for example, asserted that he is an authorized representative of the organizer of the concert, which was untrue. These sites also lacked information about the seller - such as name, postal address or e-mail address.

Under the common campaign, UOKiK has visited six sites and all contained irregularities - three undertakings voluntarily modified the web pages. The President of UOKiK has also issued two decisions: in one she confirmed the use of a practice infringing collective consumer interests - the company ceased to apply it. The President of UOKiK imposed the penalty on the other company for failing to provide information during the investigation. Currently the President of the Office conducts two proceedings against undertakings selling tickets on the Internet.


Additionally, UOKiK reminds all those that purchase their tickets online:

  • while buying a ticket, you conclude an agreement. The consumer agrees to pay for the ticket, and the seller ensures that the supplied ticket entitles to enter the concert;
  • essential information - the honest seller has no reason to hide his particulars. On the website you must find information about who is the seller and how to contact him. The undertakings are required to reliably inform us of the full price of the offered product. The final decision to purchase should be preceded by a careful study of the Regulations - pay attention to the methods of payment, delivery costs and method of filing a complaint. Also, make sure that the event, for which online seller offers the tickets, takes place at the same time and place, as the organizer informs;
  • change of plans - if the agreement is performed in accordance with its provisions, and we change our mind, the prospective return and possibility to recover the money depends solely on the goodwill of the seller;
  • concert cancelled - in this case, the organizers should allow the exchange of tickets or money refund. While returning a ticket, the consumer must provide the proof of purchase - such as a receipt, printout of bank account, online payment confirmation. We should have the same privileges when the date, time or place of the concert changes. The unilateral change of contract without valid reason is unacceptable - in this case, consumers buying a ticket have no guarantee that their idol will perform.

Additional information for the media:
Małgorzata Cieloch, Spokesperson for UOKiK
Department of International Relations and Communication
Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1, 00-950 Warszawa
Tel. +48 22 827 28 92, 55 60 314, 55 60 430
faks +48 22 826 11 86

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